Thursday/Friday 12.11/12.12

warm up
turn in time line
"On the Shoulders of Giants" 
Final study guide

Objective: SWBAT finish Harlem Renaissance documentary and begin study guide for final.
Warm up: Create two questions (and answers) of content that we have learned this semester. We are going to review little. You will get called on twice. Be prepared!!
Homework: Study for the final.

Tuesday/Wednesday 12.9/12.10

  • warm up
  • review civil war
  • watch "On the Shoulders of Giants" 
  • timelines

Objective: Continue reviewing for the final exam.
Warm up: What do you remember about the Civil War era. Both before and after the war. Write down at least three facts. (This is chapter two).
Homework: Timeline due during block two. Study for our final.

12/8/14 Monday

-warm up
-pop quiz on 8.2/8.3
-review revolutionary period
-time line

Objective: SWBAT complete pop quiz and begin reviewing for the final.
Warm up: What do you remember about the pre- Revolutionary War period? What about the Revolutionary period? Write down at least three facts.
Homework: Time line due the second block. Begin studying for the final.

Thursday/Friday 12/4-12/5


-warm up

-review 7.2/7.3
-8.1 quick review
-outline 8.2/8.3
-time line activity (due second block next week) 

0Objective: SWBAT review Coolidge and Harding presidencies.

0Warm up: What was the Harlem Renaissance? How was it different from other movements at the time? Who are some examples of Harlem Renaissance artists?

0Homework: Time lines! Begin reviewing for the final!!

Tuesday/Wednesday 12.2.14/12.3.14


0Objective: SWBAT identify causes of leisure time and changes in art.

0Warm up: What were the 18th and 21st amendments?

0Homework: Finish 7.2/7.3 questions. Skim 8.1. 


1.     Why did many artists, writers, and intellectuals flock to NYC’s Greenwich Village and Chicago’s South Side during the 1920s?
2.     How did the American economy of the 1920s affect popular culture?
3.     How did WWI influence literature?
4.     How did WWI change attitudes among African American’s toward themselves and their country?
5.     Describe the goals of Marcus Garvey.
6.     What actions did the NAACP take to expand political rights for African American’s?
7.     How did the Great Migration affect the political power of African American’s in the north?

Monday 12.1.14

-warm up
-hand back reformer papers (if you did not turn this in you should still do it!!)
-7.1 lecture
7.1 questions

0Objective: SWBAT identify the results of nativism and fundamentalism during the 1920s.

0Warm up: Personal reflection…there are two active working weeks left in the semester. What can you do to work efficiently to the end of the semester? Make a personal goal and plan of action to be successful.

0Homework: Read 7.1 and answer 7.1 questions. 

7.1 A Clash of Values
1.     How did eugenics reinforce nativist ideals?
2.     What was the result of the National Origins Act exemption on Western Hemisphere nations?
3.     What political, social, and economic contributions did women make to American society in the 1920s?
4.     What were the major beliefs of Fundamentalists?
5.     Analyze the reasons for the adoption of the 18th amendment.
6.     Why was the 18th amendment repealed?
7.     How did the passage of the 18th amendment and the Volstead Act change the federal government’s role?
8.     Why were immigrants from Mexico not included in the quota systems set by the immigration acts?