Political Cartoon Assignment

You will create a political cartoon that demonstrates one of the following issues that was present in Post-WWI America. You may draw the cartoon on the back or on a separate sheet of paper.

Criteria needed to get your message across in political cartoons

Link to this below information: Political cartoon assignment 
1.     The Creation of the League of Nations
a.     This cartoon may demonstrate one of the following
                                               i.     The weakness of the League of Nations
                                             ii.     The intended purpose of the League of Nations
2.     The flaws of the Treaty of Versailles
a.     Describe the treaty and its flaws
3.      The relationship between President Wilson and the congress
a.     Describe the tension and disagreement between these two branches of government. Should include something that reflects the rejection of the 14 Points, Treaty of Versailles, and/or the League of Nations.
4.     Your choice. Pick a topic concerning WWI. You must have this approved by Ms. Cohen. 

4 Points
3 Points
2 Points
1 Point
Your Score
Demonstrates an in depth understanding of the topic that is describes
Demonstrates some understanding, but the level of knowledge is limited
Demonstrates one of the content topics yet there are inaccuracies or a mismatch between the explanation and the cartoon
Some effort, yet lacking much understanding

Political Cartoon Devices
Many of the cartoon devices are used and with a great level of skill
There is evidence of one or more of the devices, yet it does not improve the content of the cartoon
One device is used ineffectively
No usage of devices. The graphic is simply a picture and not a cartoon

Demonstrates a great deal of original thought
Demonstrates some original thought
Demonstrates a small amount of political thought
Lacks originality

Title is appropriate and original.

Title is appropriate yet lacks originality
Title is lacking appropriateness and originality
Title is missing

Exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.

Attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.

Acceptably attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.

Distractingly messy or very poorly designed.

Explanation is written on the very bottom outside of the frame of the cartoon and it clearly explains the devices used in the cartoon and identifies the specific content that the cartoon reflects on.
Explanation is written on the very bottom outside of the frame yet it leaves out the description of devices used or the content described
Explanation is written on the very bottom outside of the frame yet it leaves out the description of devices used and the content described
Explanation is missing or not complete