Monday 11.10.14

  • warm up
  • review 4.2 
  • turn in flow chart
  • 4.3 PPT
  • 4.3 questions 
Objective: SWBAT share out timelines and analyze US imperialism in Latin America and China.
Warm up: What are two outcomes of the Spanish American War?
Homework: Finish 4.3 Questions 

4.3 New American Diplomacy
1.     Define:
a.     Dollar diplomacy
b.     Boxer Rebellion
c.     Great White Fleet
2.     What was President Roosevelt’s opinion on the role of the US as a world power?
3.     What was the purpose of the Open Door policy?
4.     What did the Roosevelt Corollary state?
5.     Why do you think Latin American nations resented American Influence in the region?
6.     How did the Open Door policy and dollar diplomacy affect US relations with other countries?