Monday 11/17/14

  • warm up
  • 6.1 question review (stamp)
  • 6.2 lecture
  • 6.2 questions

Objective: SWBAT identify new agencies created to mobilize the economy and help the war effort on the home front. 
Warm up: How does Zinn’s rationale for why the US entered WWI compare with that of the textbook? Who are you more likely to believe? Why?
Homework: Finish 6.2 Questions.

6.2 The Home Front

1.     How did congress ensure that the military had enough troops to fight the war?
2.     Describe the contributions of African Americans during the war.
3.     What federal agencies helped control American industries during the war?
4.     How permanent were women’s advances in the wartime workplace?
5.     Why did congress pass the Espionage Act in 1917?
6.     How did government efforts to ensure support for the war conflict with democratic ideals?
7.     How did WWI cause the federal government to change its relationship with the business world?