Tuesday/Wednesday 10.28.14-10.29.14


  • warm up
  • chapters 3/5 assessment
  • progressives project
  • ***Don't forget to turn in your notebook
¡Objective: Display understanding of chapters 3/5 by completing an assessment.
¡Warm up: None. Make sure your notebook is ready to go and that you have a blank piece of paper and a writing utensil on your desk. Everything else should be away.
¡Homework: Reformers project.

  • Period Two: Presentation due on Friday 10.31.14
  • Paper due on Monday 11.3.14 (before class on turnitin.com)
  • Also, bring a hard copy to class with the rubric
  • Four paragraphs about your picks due Wednesday 11.5.14

  • Period Three: Presentation due on Thursday 10.30.14
  • Paper due on Monday 11.3.14 (before class on turnitin.com)
  • Also, bring a hard copy to class with the rubric Four paragraphs about your picks due Tuesday 11.4.14

  • 5
    Contains a clear, well-developed thesis that evaluates the success or failure of the reformer in achieving his/her goals or the goals of their particular movement and the subsequent impact on the United States.
    Contains a thesis that addresses or partially evaluates the reformer and his/her relationship to a particular movement and the subsequent impact on the United States.
    Confused, unfocused thesis or paraphrases the question.  Fails to consistently address the reformer’s success or failure and/or their relationship to the larger reform movement.
    Reformer recommended/not recommended, but no clear rationale behind decision.

    No thesis

    Supports the thesis with considerable, relevant information that explains the major events, causes/results of the reformer’s actions/methods, and their place within the larger movement.

    Supports the thesis with some accurate information supporting recommendation decision.
    Supports the thesis with some accurate information, but errors detract from argument.
    Information is insufficient or poorly prioritized and doesn’t fully support the thesis. 

    Provides few relevant facts.
    Demonstrates an incompetent or inappropriate response; lists facts with little or no application to the question.
    Provides effective analysis of the reformer’s success/failure and the overall assessment of their impact within their movement or on the United States.
    Provides some analysis of the reformer’s actions and their impact.

    Contains little or no analysis of the success/failure of the reformer.
    Has little understanding of the relationship of the reformer to reform movements and the United States.
    Is wrong or off-topic in analysis

    Is well organized and well written from intro through conclusion
    Has acceptable organization and writing; demonstrates understanding of essay format

    Organization and writing are adequate, but need to be strengthened
    Is poorly organized and/or written
    Has no concept of essay writing style/requirement


    Following Directions

    Excellent use of diverse sources.  Page limit, title page, bibliography, font, margins all correct.
    Good use of sources. Format acceptable.
    Limited use of sources.  Ineffective format that didn’t follow directions.
    Poorly researched and/or quoted. Did not follow format directions. Overly quoted.

    Did not follow directions at all.

     Total: ____________x2=______________/70