Sept. 4/5

Warm up: What do you know about the time period from 1796-1820 in the US? It can be anything.

Finish the Story of US: Revolution
Read/outline 2.1
2.1 Questions

The link below will lead you to the story of us if you missed it during class. 

Story of US: Revolution

Make sure you read and outline for homework if you did not do so in class. Please also answer the 2.1 questions. They are below if you lost the small slip of paper.

Chapter 2.1 Questions

1.     Identify: Louisiana Purchase, McCulloch v. Maryland, Monroe Doctrine, Industrial Revolution, Eli Whitney
2.     What is the difference between enumerated powers and implied powers?
3.     Why is the Supreme Court decision Marbury v. Madison important?
4.     How did the decisions of the Marshall Court strengthen the federal government?
5.     How did the industrial revolution change American Society?
6.     Does the Monroe Doctrine represent a continuation or a change in President Washington’s foreign policy? Why or why not?
7.     Name at least three key moments in the early 1800s when federal authority clashed with state authority. What trend developed in the resolution of these disputes?

8.     How does the United States emerge as a new nation towards an established country?