Wednesday/Thursday 8/27-8/28

  • Finish 1.3 notes
  • review 1.3
  • Federalist Paper #10 activity
  • Rebels
 1.3 PPT The Constitution

Objective: Analyze Federalist Paper #10 and importance of the Constitution.

Warm up: What were the Articles of Confederation? Why were they not successful as a system of government in the US?

Homework: Assessment on Chapter 1 on Tuesday/Wednesday (depending on your block period)

Questions about Federalist Paper #10 (on a separate piece of binder paper): 
1. What is a faction? (answer in 1-2 sentences)
2. Why, according to James Madison, is a republic superior to a democracy? (answer in a paragraph)
3. How can the rights of the minority be protected in a republic?  (answer in a paragraph)